My name is Marshall Barnhouse
I started working at Tri-State Outfitters in Coeur d’Alene in July 2011, so little over 3 years now. I am currently a sales associate, with extensive knowledge in footwear and snowboarding. I was born and raised in North Idaho, so anything you can think of, I’ve done. Last year, I completed my first Tough Mudder event. I also enjoy shreddin some pow, mountain biking, crackin’ cold ones, and trail running.
Some of my personal favorite spots to enjoy the outdoors around Coeur d’Alene include, Lake Pend ‘Oreille (specifically Buttonhook Bay), Farragut State Park (for their trails), and Schweitzer Mountain. Best thing to do is go exploring; drive some dirt roads, hike some woods, you’ll never get bored in Idaho.
* Marshall will be leaving the company late February 2015 to trek into new adventures in Colorado. It’s been a great ride, Marshall. Come back and visit soon.